Sunday, May 1, 2011

Interviews: Gifts, Cures, Winning, Enlightenment, Agreements

The Thirteenth Gift - Charlene Costanzo


The Thirteenth Gift, A Novel of Hope for all times. She says "May we recognize our own gifts and help others see theirs" also authored The Twelve Gifts for Healing. The book was written while Charlene was in treatment for advanced non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2001. She says: “Cancer led me to examine my convictions and look at these life gifts more deeply. Truly, they helped me heal"..

“The Cures in the Kitchen” with Catie


Host Catie Norris asks "Are the cures you need for most of our ailments found in the kitchen?" She talks about remedies in your kitchen for Kidney’s, Heart, Aches, Joints, Angina, Arthritis, Inflammation, Constipation, Depression, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, MS, Obesity, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cancers, ADD, Lupus, and more!

Gary Kornegay - The Preacher's Kid


Gary Kornegay, a true business man, author, teacher, mentor, and entrepreneur. Reading his book clearly opens the mind. He says "the mind is like a parachute..only works when its opened". From beginning to end you will learn and relate to the struggles he has went through. Paid a price. Became successful. Lost it all and came back and did it again.

don Miguel Ruiz - Legacy


don Miguel Ruiz author, the Voice of Knowledge, The Mastery of Love, The Four Agreements, and The Fifth Agreement. He says we change our story by changing what we believe about ourselves. When we clean up the lies we believe about ourselves, the lies we believe about other people change. Every time we change ourselves, our whole story changes to adapt to the new main character.


"When we were children, we received the Legacy of our parents and ancestors, and now this is our turn. We received the world in a certain way, and we are modifying this world. We can leave a new Legacy to our children and grandchildren...and our legacy is love, joy, and happiness. Let's enjoy this world. Let's enjoy each other. We are meant to love each other. Let's make a difference in this world and that difference must begin in ourselves".

Herb Kagen - Spiritual Awakening,

Enlightenment For Everyone


Herb Kagen, his personal journey includes seven years in the seminary, a graduate education in psychology, and a 40-year career in human resources consulting.

He’s been Clean & Sober since February 1984. In 1988, as the result of working the 12 steps, with the assistance of a ‘Step Guide”, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Since then he has been very involved in carrying the 12 step message through sponsorship, facilitating workshops, writing books, and leading retreats.

The Quick Fix - Weekdays at 12noon & 7pm pacific

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