Sunday, February 5, 2012

CoolChangeRadio - Sexy Mom Expert, Aroma Yoga, Pyramid Man, Senior Hamsacharya, Atlas Evolution, The Herb Doc, and more!


The Quick Fix w/Bradley Quick

LIVE Weekdays at Noon & 7pm PST

Allana Pratt

Sexy Mom Expert

Sexy Mom Expert Allana Pratt - talking about the 10 biggest mistakes that men make Allana a Family & Relationship Expert: addresses Love, Dating, Marriage, Family, Divorce, Sexuality, Women’s Issues. She’s also an international author of HowToBeAndStaySexy, and a sought after on-air talent who hosted her own #1 rated show How Mama Got Her Groove Back. As a Columnist for eHarmony and relationship expert on CBS, TLC, and FOX, she is redefining relationships and sensuality from the inside out

The Quick Fix w/Bradley Quick


Tracy Griffiths

Aroma Yoga

Tracy Griffiths, Co-Owner and Director of Life Energy Institute and Grace Aroma Wellness, and also co-author of Aroma Yoga. Aroma Yoga® contains three essential oil-based yoga classes, Activating, Restorative and Detoxification, complete with class sequences and images. Newly updated and now available, Aroma Yoga® is a step-by-step guide that helps you easily integrate aromatherapy into your yoga routine and your life. Aroma Yoga® is a simple, straightforward introduction to essential oils and the many benefits of aromatherapy, and features specific oils for various asanas and energy exercises

Love & Miracles w/Dorothy Lee Donahue

LIVE Tuesdays at 2pm PST

Nick Edwards

The Original Pyramid Man

Nick Edwards, the original "Pyramid Man", started his Pyramid Research in 1973 and started his Pyramid business in 1975. His amazing Pyramids have been #1 worldwide since 1975 because they are the most advanced, most beautiful and most powerful to focus the "life forces" for wellness, meditation, healing and anti-aging effects. Nick also has a one million volt "Pyramid Tesla Coil Charger" and it is the first and only marriage between a Tesla Coil and a Pyramid Antenna. It has unlimited healing forces. His latest invention, the ARKATRON, is a re-creation of the "Ark of Moses" which was the most powerful device of the ancient world.

The Quick Fix w/Bradley Quick

Jay Ponti - Certified Senior Hamsacharya

of the Hamsa Yoga Sangh

For the past five years Jay has received personal training in the disciplines of yoga and meditation under the direct guidance of Himalayan SatGuru and Living Kundalini Kriya Yoga Master Yogiraj Siddahanath in his forest ashram outside of Pune, India. Jay has received teachings from many Himalayan Masters, including renowned Buddhist Lamas such as the Dalai Lama. These ancient techniques and teachings, rarely available to the general public, have been made accessible to prepare western souls for the coming changes of 2012. As a musician Jay played with various artists such as Slash, Jerry Cantrell, and Kenny Wayne Shepherd, to name a few. Bringing music talent into meditation he also founded Peacelink Live! (peacelinklive dot oerg), a non profit event-based think tank, lobby and social network promoting pathways to inner peace and social justice.

The Quick Fix w/Bradley Quick


Ranan Shahar
Atlas Evolution a Revolutionary Treatment

Ranan Shahar L.Ac M.Sc a licensed Acupuncturist in Santa Monica, California who has created the Atlas Evolution a revolutionary treatment based on the combination of ancient Chinese medicine and recent breakthroughs in the art of healing. In most people the Atlas (top cervical vertebra) is misaligned causing a myriad of problems in their posture, range of motion, as well as brain function He says that after just one treatment the flow of energy throughout the whole body increases greatly, activating a self healing process and supporting growth on all levels: physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. Ranan is a renowned healer who has treated more than 10,000 people worldwide with his life changin g treatment Atlas Evolution.

The Quick Fix w/Bradley Quick


"The Herb Doc"

Dr. Tony O’Donnell

Dr. Tony O’Donnell, "The Herb Doc" who for years now has been delighting audiences with his lessons on healing the body through nutrition. As a recognized Humanitarian and Volunteer, he has made it his mission to promote the importance of herbs, fruits and vegetables for good health and to educate the public on proper diet and nutrition. His many clients have found that eating right can lead to numerous health benefits including energy, stronger mental capacity, better skin and weight loss. His knowledge ranges from the health hazards of eating processed and fatty foods, that contain chemicals and preservatives known to be associated with cancer and heart disease, to foods that are vital in increasing energy and preventing illness.

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